Author, Journalist, Editor, Publisher, Screen Writer
Film-maker, Director, Producer, Composer, Photographer
Draegonstorm: Blood Feud
The Elders Saga: Book One

The curse condemned them. The war divided them. Only one could save them...
For centuries, Reivn and his line have led the Alliance war against the Principatus, hidden beneath the veil of night. The Principatus desires the annihilation of humanity, and the only thing stopping them is the Alliance. But the Alliance has fallen into chaos, and the Ancients are conspiring against each other.
Reivn questions the validity of their crusade when betrayal leads him to seek answers that will ultimately change fate for himself and all who follow his banners. Caught between their war and his own honor, he risks everything to bring change to a society that has grown so dark it is beginning to feed on its own.
A storm is brewing. The Dragon is coming, and he leads the most powerful bloodline on Tellas, also known as Earth.
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online and over 70,000 distributors worldwide! You can also order it right here on the site!
The Bloodline
A Draegonstorm Novel

Evil can be very subtle when it weaves its way into a warrior’s fate. As a son sired by the most powerful of Immortals, Reivn is unaware of his origins until fate steps in and reveals the truth that has been hidden from him since the beginning of his Immortal existence. Now he must gather his strength and prepare to fight back. Fire tempers the steel of a blade when it is forged, making it unbreakable. Reborn in the fires of Immortality, Reivn must now rise to stand among the strongest of his brethren, his magic far more powerful than the finest blade.
But the Ancient who sired Reivn covets power above all else, and the power he has claimed, he will not so easily relinquish. There is also another vile presence rising from the shadows that has not yet been discovered... one that can destroy them all. Lives hang in the balance as Reivn struggles to regain his freedom, but he must tread carefully, or darkness will once more claim... the bloodline.
From the desk of KR Fraser - Blog
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Draegonstorm: Nightfall
The Elders Saga: Book Two

The war shattered them. The darkness found them. Only faith could free them.
The war has heated to dangerous levels with the emergence of a new weapon that is deadly to Immortals. Reivn seeks to discover the truth behind this new threat only to be trapped by his own past. Unable to escape its grasp, he can only watch as Lunitar and his brothers struggle to prevent a blood hunt that could ultimately destroy all of Draegonstorm.
But the Alliance territories are in flames. The Ancients are divided, and their nation is in chaos. Caught between the law and their own honor, the Draegons are the only ones who can stem the tide. Now they must rally their allies to their banners, for nightfall has come.
The storm is rising. It rides the wings of the Dragon. Following in its wake is the tempest that could destroy the most feared nation on Tellas, also known as Earth.
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