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Author, Journalist, Editor, Publisher, Screen Writer
Film-maker, Director, Producer, Composer, Photographer

K.R. Fraser
Jul 13, 20184 min read
Draegonstorm Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 8 - Seth
Seth... the name given to the second son of Reivn in the series. The music lover, the quiet one, the one that is fighting an impossible...

K.R. Fraser
Jul 6, 20184 min read
Draegonstorm Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 7 - Lucian's Beast
The next character on our journey is Lucian, the fierce Thylacinian who defies the standards that most of his tribe follow. He is the...

K.R. Fraser
Jun 29, 20186 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 6 - Making Moventius
Tonight's profile is very special, as was the person who gave me the inspiration for him. Tonight, I am going to tell you about Moventius...

K.R. Fraser
Jun 23, 20183 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 5 - Gideon's story
Gideon Draegon... the oldest of the sons who stands loyally at Reivn's side. He is in fact the third son of Reivn, and his beginnings as...

K.R. Fraser
Jun 16, 20185 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 4 - Jovial Jack
Tonight’s character is Jack Dunn: gunslinger, officer, free agent and above all... deadly. The Epochian is often the one who brings...

K.R. Fraser
Jun 2, 20183 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 3 - Angelique's Journey
Each perspective for those reading it will let them recognize a little of themselves, or of the people around them. She brings out the best.

K.R. Fraser
May 26, 20184 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: part 2 - Project Lunitar
Lunitar is the second character we are going to discuss and another favorite that began close to my heart. He is the fourth son of Reivn,...

K.R. Fraser
May 18, 20186 min read
Draegonstorm's Characters: A Series on Profiling: Part 1 - Creating Reivn
Have you ever wondered how a character in a series is born? How do they become the hero? The villain? How does an author decide what the...
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