Author, Journalist, Editor, Publisher, Screen Writer
Film-maker, Director, Producer, Composer, Photographer
News Updates!
December 2021 - The release date for Nightfall is fast approaching! So check back for updates!
July 2021 - The Bloodline is finally up and running with the Printer and will be available the first week of August!
March 2021 - Blood Feud is now available in all digital formats worldwide! The Collector's Edition is almost sold out! Get yours before they're gone!
March 2021 - The fourth character on the forthcoming Draegonstorm poster is finished! Seven months in and the art is looking amazing!
February 2021 - The new ads are out! Check them out on your favorite social media platforms!
February 2021 - Blood Feud is now available in Kindle Edition on Amazon!
January 2021 - Blood Feud is now available in Digital Epub format on Barnes and Noble, and most other Ebook distributors!
November 2020 - Black Friday marks the beginning of pre-orders for Book Two of the Draegonstorm series - Nightfall!
September 2020 - First anniversary contest for the release of the Draegonstorm Elders Saga series is now running in the Facebook fan club! Jump over and see if you know enough about the Draegonstorm world to win!
July 2020 - Back cover description revealed! Potential release date for book two is scheduled for the end of September 2020! New advertising poster underway!
July 2020 - Book two cover Unveil coming July 11th!
June 2020 - Book two's artwork is almost complete!
January 2020 - Work on the final edit for Book Two: Nightfall is underway and the cover is in production! Projected release... September!
December 2019 - Happy Holidays Draegonstorm Fans! I will be taking a much needed vacation until the first week of January.
November 2019 - Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! The Collector's Edition of Book One is selling out quickly! If you haven't already gotten your copy, you might want to do so soon!
October 2019 - Plans are in the works for the cover of Book Two and fans of Leah Keeler's amazing artwork from the first book will be delighted to hear she has agreed to do the second cover as well!
September 2019 - It's finally here! Book One has officially hit the shelves and is available in more than 70,000 distributors worldwide. You can now find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble... it is even on Ebay! So whatever book store you like to use will probably either have it or be able to order it for you. Or you can order it right here on the site in our in-house shop!
July 2019 - The delays that set us back at the end of June are slowly being corrected and the necessary steps taken to ensure production rolls out as soon as they can possibly get it there. For my own end of this, I will be on a leave of absence from the end of July until the first week of September.
June 2019 - The originally release date for book one has been delayed because of circumstances beyond my control. My work space was compromised in 2018 because of collapsing areas of our ceiling from damage by a solar company. In spite of the attempts on the part of all team members to recover the time lost, the project is simply not ready for release yet. The usual bugs that come with the launch of any book, which normally would have been taken care of in pre-preparation have hit late, so the process has been yet again delayed.
March 2019 - It's here! Pre-orders have begun! Reserve your copy today! Remember, The limited edition Collector's Editions will only be available during the pre-orders, and will no longer be sold after the book's release in June! They're selling fast, so don't miss your chance to own one!
January 2019 - Happy New Year! Work progresses on the release of book one, and now Book Two is almost done the editing board! Work will begin in March for the Book Two front cover, although at present there is still a debate as to what the front cover art will be for book two.
December 2018 - As we prepare to go into the new year, the new designs for the online store are underway for production. I look forward to announcing the newest line of T-shirts and other merchandise that will be arriving early in the new year. Merry Christmas!
June 2018 - I finally got notification and the new date has been announced! The Pre-orders begin on March 31st, so set your calendars! They will be available here on my site, through FB, on Amazon, and through various book distributors.
June 2018 - The inevitable first set-back has come, and no amount of frustration with it! Due to construction on the offices and the temporary cessation of work, there is going to be a delay on the release of book one. Though it was devastating news, it simply means we have a little longer to wait! In other news, book two is already undergoing the editing process in preparation to follow its predecessor into production!
June 2018 - The second art piece for Draegonstorm is now in production. The coming piece has been slated as an advertising campaign piece and will be revealed on the launch date of the pre-orders!
May 2018 - The final cover is finished! The countdown has begun and we are just a months away from the launch of the pre-orders! Be sure to stay tuned to get all the latest updates!
May 2018 - The first of the characters has been beautifully crafted on the cover. Two more to go! The details given over to the cover include the designs my son did for Reivn's Dragon Blade and the Twin Sanguine Dragons crest on their chest and banners. Production is right on schedule!
April 2018 - The design for Blood Feud's book cover has finally been settled on and production has begun! Our artist is phenomenal and I hope in the near future to post a feature article on her here on the site! I believe she deserves more than just her name on the inside of the cover! Stay tuned to hear of the production progress!
March 2018 - This month we saw the opening of new Social Media pages, including the long awaited Dragonrock Enterprises for Social Media Advertising. Dragonrock has expanded again to include new talent and new fields of representation. The Company now includes Film Studios, as well as our original Publishing and Recording Companies.
March 2018 - Both the pre-order opening date and the release date are finally on the calendar! Dragonrock Publishing will be taking pre-orders mid-July in preparation for a Fall 2018 release! Don't miss the chance to reserve yours!
May 2017 - Auditions are underway for voice actors and actresses to create short storyboards of the Draegonstorm world on YouTube! Do not miss your chance to hear stories of your favorite heroes! Keep checking back for the release date!
April 2017 - Dragonrock Recording Studios have begun voice auditions for the Chorus! The release of the score is drawing closer! Watch the music page here for your chance to reserve your copy!
March 2017 - Social Media pages are slowly being linked. Over the next few months, keep watch for new ways to follow Draegonstorm and join in on the fun!
January 2017 - After much thought, I decided to announce not only my own work here, but anything related to Dragonrock Enterprises, since I feel it important to advertise any pertinent information concerning my work with them. With that in mind, future announcements will include any activities they are doing with my work as well.