Lunitar is the second character we are going to discuss and another favorite that began close to my heart. He is the fourth son of Reivn, and the second one we get to know in the first book. When I first began working with the Sons of the Dragon, there was something missing that I just could not easily put my finger on. I had Gabriel, Gideon, Rafe, and one other who has since been phased out in favor of adding three new names. But to find those new names, I had to make a journey through some of the best... and roughest... days of my life. My answers came one at a time in the form of life, friends, family, and heart-breaking tragedy.
The first to join the family was Lunitar. Years ago, I began playing an online game for a little down-time when my head started to ache from the hours I spent forging the Draegonstorm universe. It was on this game that I met a few wonderful people with whom I became firm and fast friends. Over the years, some of those friends have grown so incredibly close that they became family. We have laughed, cried, loved and lost together. But we also did something else. During that game online, they began to create or take names to join the online Dragon family (and yes, I did actually use my character's name to create a character, lol. I know, I could have been more original), and creating personas under the Draegon banners to go with them. Some of those personas were so much fun I decided to ask if they could join the Immortal family that was growing in Draegonstorm. Lunitar was the first of these. First created by Jim (whose name will not to be further revealed at his request) to be a character for other games he played before we met, he brought this character's first name to the table, and with his input as to character traits and moral alignment, we created Lunitar Draegon. We spent many hours (days, months, years, overnight phone calls... the amount of time we spent on the project was brutal) discussing ideas for him. Jim helped to create Lunitar's voice and breathed a unique life into him that complimented the already growing list of wonderful characters in the Draegonstorm world. I can honestly say we birthed him together, and the result is magnificent.
Lunitar knew Reivn long before Reivn claimed him as a son. They were both taken as blood servants to Mastric and served together for years uncounted. When Reivn rose in rank and position and was fully awakened, Lunitar remained at Mastric's side. His luck changed when Reivn earned a boon from his father for his immeasurable service, and he asked for Mastric to give him Lunitar to satisfy that reward. It was an act never forgotten, and through it, Reivn gained a new love and respect from Lunitar that changed their relationship from friends to father and son. Lunitar mirrors his father in many ways, and yet he is so different too. He is the perfect balance to the darkness that plagues Reivn early in the series, and the strength that holds the weight of the family's duties within the Alliance when his father cannot. As Reivn is Mastric's right hand, so too is Lunitar Reivn's. Commander of the elite Dragon Guard forces, Lunitar is almost always near Reivn or working for Reivn in one capacity or another, as most of the Draegons do. Their family is strong not only as a bloodline, but in their ties to each other, and their power is recognized the world over by the other Immortal tribes. Lunitar is the scholar of the sons, and the one who would gladly while away his hours in the study of the arcane. But he wields a sword, and magic... with deadly accuracy as well. His evolution throughout the series comes through unintentional rises in power and position, both which can mean the salvation of his family... or the end.
When you first see Lunitar, he is standoffish and quiet as one might expect from a scholar, and it is obvious that Reivn has always indulged his son in that love. Still, Reivn's position as a Warlord is never without demands, and those demands often inject themselves into the long-fought for peace that is so illusive in the lives of the Draegons as a whole. His evolution comes from the love of his family and his desire to see them survive the onslaught that pounds at their doorstep. Pursued relentlessly by one enemy, another evades them at every turn, and all the while the Council breathes down their backs demanding accountability. Lunitar sees, hears and experiences things over the course of the series that utterly changes his goals and challenges him to use his scholarly ways to find answers beyond the reach of lesser men.
So who is Lunitar really? What drives him? Is it the eternal honor he carries himself with? Or maybe the love he bears his family? How about his desire to see justice done in all things... the wrongs righted, the evil brought to bay? He is all these things and more. As with all Draegonstorm characters, he is profusely well-rounded. He is a perfect diamond that has been cleft from the rocks and shaped. He makes this journey through the books, and goes on to become one of the most loved and profound characters to stand beside Reivn. His name is Lord Lunitar Draegon, and he is a son of Draegonstorm.
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