The next character we are going to discuss is the new face to the world of the night: lady Angelique. She is an interesting and very important addition to the Draegonstorm world. When the series begins to unfold in book one, all the characters you meet are established in their immortality. The series really needed a character who was new to their world... one who would give a first-hand view to the readers of what the journey into their Immortality was like. It was important to establish early on just how much vulnerability could become a part of a newly awakened child's world, especially if the details were not explained to them and they were left to figure things out on their own.
Angelique's journey begins when she is ripped from the safety of her own sheltered life and awakened to the brutality of the Immortals. She is from the aristocracy of the 1600's. Noblewomen of their time were very cultured in society with all the social graces, but very naive in their younger years. They were expected in that era to be the delicate creatures that needed men for their every move. Angelique first appears this way in book one. She depends on others to survive, knows next to nothing of the world she has been brought into, and is so naive, she does not even realize exactly how dangerous her new life is.
This perspective will no doubt seem cliche' to some, as women are often depicted in literature this way. However, it is important to realize as you follow her that you are in essence seeing the Draegonstorm world through the eyes of a pampered child. The readers grow with her, learning not only about the world of the Immortals, but just how completely different it is from our own real-life society. I despise the stories that do not tell the tale through the eyes and voice of their characters, so I created her to forge the bridge between the readers and the world of Draegonstorm in a way that would let them experience first-hand the journey she makes. As the story begins to unfold, you see she has inner strength of her own, and that she can actually effect those around her who have grown too cold from their many years in the night.
Her creation was drawn from having a front row seat to the journey of experiences my own children had growing up. Seeing them handle some situations with such amazing lack of fear, because their own innocence completely blinded them to potential danger that was staring them in the face completely shook me to the core at times. At other times, they seemed wise beyond their years and taught me a thing or two about life's truths. Her interaction with those around her as she learns and grows reflects the journey we all take through various stages of our lives. She is youth defined, the budding flower that grows into the eternal vine, the willow that will bend and never break, and the innocence we all wish we could have kept when we grew up. We were all brats sometimes, and each of us had to find our own way through life. I like to think this is reflected in her often unreasonable childishness, and through the bravery she exhibits at the most unexpected moments throughout the series.
Each of us takes away something different from our journey through every tale. Angelique's will be no different. Each perspective for those reading it will let them recognize a little of themselves, or of the people around them. She brings out the best... and the worst in us. Given the chance to prove herself, she can still surprise you, but most importantly, she can surprise herself. She goes from lady to child to a whole new creation... one that is indeed, a Vampyre.
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