Gideon Draegon... the oldest of the sons who stands loyally at Reivn's side. He is in fact the third son of Reivn, and his beginnings as an Immortal were anything but pleasant. To cover his creation without giving any spoilers, I will not explain the back-story of what began between he and Lord Reivn. You will discover that for yourselves over the course of the series. However, his birth into the Draegonstorm world is still something I believe you will all love reading about, so let's get started.
Creating Gideon was not so much a labor of love, but a trip down memory lane, where bitter loss and brutal pain met patience, kindness, and compassion when it was needed most. When I first began fleshing out the sons of the Dragon, I had to decide what kind of personality each of them would have. That proved to be a very difficult challenge, as each had to be remarkable in their own way and different from their brothers. So I thought back to my past and the various "brothers" I had... friends who had grown so close to me that they deserved recognition for all they gave me. Their spirits, their personalities, and their "voices" still live in my memory, so I decided to begin giving them immortality in a way only an author could. With that decision, Gideon's journey into the Draegonstorm world began.
Gideon is a gentle giant, with power he does not even know he possesses. The love-hate relationship he has with Reivn is a wonderful conflict between characters on the same side, and it really gave the opportunity to show that even heroes are not flawless. Gideon's birth, however, did not begin with the idea that there needed to be this kind of conflict. It actually began with a friend I once had, whom I shall call R.L... He had my back no matter what mistakes I made. He was gentle, kind, and at times wistful when he looked at me, in ways I could never begin to voice here. He was there beside me through some of the darkest parts of my younger years.
I went through a seven month period of being homeless when I was in my twenties, because my ex. cheated on me and then left, leaving me holding more bills than my paycheck alone could sustain. So I lost my house, and pretty much everything else I owned. I ended up sleeping in my conversion van , but it would always be the wee hours of morning before I would go to bed. This was because the months I was homeless in were September through April, and the temperature here in the North gets pretty cold during then. So, I would sit up in the diner to pass the time until the sun came up so it could warm my van enough that I could handle the cold in my sleeping bags (I was in one and had a second on top of me).
What made R.L. so special and so wonderful was that in spite of having to work the next day, he would keep me company in the diner for as long as possible, so I wouldn't have to be alone. He also often fed me, so I could save up money to get my new place. He did a lot of things he did not have to do, going above and beyond what anyone could expect of any friend, and he never asked for anything in return. That kind of loyalty is not something you can buy, and is something you never forget. Gideon embodies R.L. in so many ways, and is in that regard the best tribute I could ever give to my dearest friend. When I write about Gideon's unwavering loyalty to Reivn, it's as though R.L. is standing there in the shadows, smiling and nodding in approval.
I lost R.L. almost fourteen years ago, but his kindness and unconditional love have stayed with me through the years. So Gideon will forever immortalize the gift he gave me. R.L. rescued me from the darkness I sank into because of my own pain, and gave me something to believe in again. So the story of Gideon is my way of saying thank you. R.L., I love and miss you. A part of you will always be here in my heart, and you will live on through Gideon forever.
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