Easily one of my favorite characters to write about, Reyna is a wonderful addition to an already incredible cast of characters. She is the very essence of innocence and how it can be so poorly misused and almost destroyed, or nurtured to bloom into its full potential. Her addition was a little later than some of the other characters, but she has grown to be such an iconic addition, that she has quickly risen to become an anchor in the series.
Reyna began in an odd way... She is a part of me, as all the characters are in one way or another, but she is much more personal for me. In her journey, I see different aspects of not only myself, but my daughters and their life journeys. I will not speak of their lives here, as that is for them alone to know. I can however, share some of my own. My childhood and early adult life was anything but easy, and it left me with numerous scars. Though invisible to the naked eye, they burrowed into my soul with all the fervor of an invading army. I have, over the years, gone through quite a few traumatic experiences that included betrayal, abuse, and far worse from people I not only trusted, but loved. Some of those experiences brought me to a breaking point, where I actually wanted to end my life. Fortunately for me, I did not have it in me to take action against myself. But the road back for me has been long and hard, and not without a great deal of grief along the way. Some of those experiences left very deep permanent scars that will travel with me until I die, and for a long time, I let them define me. Thanks to my dearest and closest friend, Jim, whom I call my brother and who knows me better than I even know myself, I began to realize I did not have to live my life defined by those terms. I got a swift kick in the proverbial --- and was told in no uncertain terms that I could not just let my past destroy my future.
"How do you eat an elephant?" That was the question he asked me, and the answer jolted me back to reality: "...one bite at a time." I had been trying to digest the whole of my lifetime in one "bite", attempting to conquer dozens of different traumas all at once, and it was overwhelming me with the nightmares, the grief, and the inner pain. My self esteem had hit rock bottom and I saw no worth when I looked in the mirror. I kept blaming myself for so many things that were not my own doing, and making excuses for the people that had, and in some cases, were still continuing to hurt me, whether out of their own ignorance or out of just plain selfishness and cruelty. I was just existing from day to day, tolerating the consistent battering against my soul like an angry ocean that hits the rocks on a cliff-side. Those words, simple as they are, made me realize I was trying to conquer a mountain from the bottom, and that I needed to climb to the top one step at a time to even begin to see the whole picture before me. Those scars that left me broken began to become the very things that gave me faith, strength, courage, and resolve that I never even knew I had. My compassion was not gone, but now, it had withdrawn to a safe place behind a shield, created by my newly opened eyes. I have Jim to thank for that. Ironically, it turned out that he and I think very much alike, and it was our similarities and connection that allowed him the insight that finally opened a door to the road back. Everything happens for a reason, even a friendship and bond that defies explanation. Though many others around me had held me as I cried and tried to help and comfort me, he found a way through the barriers. He could see into the very core of me and what it was that held in the chains that were weighing me down, and through wise counsel and a brother's love and support, I was able to finally begin healing.
Reyna, in the series, does suffer through very difficult and in some cases, outright brutal situations, and like me, she almost breaks. But she is given another chance at life, and gets to begin again with gentle hands to guide her. I believe this is something everyone who has ever suffered some criminal wrongdoing would pray for, and whom many never receive. There is almost never an angel that flies in to set things right. But through our own sense of self-worth, we can overcome even some of the worst experiences we face. More importantly, during those times when we cannot clearly see ourselves, it is then that we need to look to those we know love us unconditionally to help us pick ourselves back up. The physical and emotional journey Reyna takes in the series is against all odds in their world, and yet she is able to prevail. She grows and blossoms from the frightened and wounded little bird she is in the beginning to spread her wings and fly. She is the living example of how amazing a journey of healing can be, and how yes, along the road there will be test of strength and courage, and even the will to see it through. But in the end, when you reach your goal and find yourself living in a better place, and your dreams no longer haunt you or your thoughts are no longer dark, then every step you took along that road... every single tear, was worth it in the end. You did not just survive. You fought back. You healed. You found the peace you were looking for and you journeyed the road back home.
~ Dedicated to Jim Spear... the best friend and brother I could ever have. In spite of the difficulties I have had in making friends, you reached out to me. Even when others refused to get to know me or see who I really am, you stubbornly would not give up on me. When others could not understand me, you made a point to patiently learn how to. When I wanted to quit, you would not let me. When I was angry, you counselled me wisely and helped me to find calm within myself. When I cried, you found ways to make me forget my tears and made me laugh again. You've been there for me from the day we first met to this one, never given up on me, never regretted your choice, and stood by me when so many others quit. You truly are Lunitar. You are a man of honor, integrity, wisdom, and above all, you are a Dragon. I am proud to call you my brother. Thank you for everything. ~
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