So you've written your first book... or maybe you aren't finished with it yet, but have begun looking around to learn more about publishing. What do you do first? Where do you look? There are different formats, so which one is right for you? Do you seek an agent, a publisher or do you self-publish? What about book covers? Do you have to do one yourself or do you hire someone? Do you need an editor? Who do you pay and how much will it cost?
There are so many questions the average new author has about the publishing industry that answering them all in this single blog is impossible. So, this series is going to be dedicated to not only walking authors through the steps they will need to complete to reach their goals, whether they choose to seek representation or self-publish, learning the information here will provide invaluable knowledge to help them on their way.
No two people can take the same path for publishing, and for each person, decisions will effect not only their sales, but their work itself, differently. So where do we begin?
The first step toward publishing is to obviously finish your novel, novella, or short story. I know that statement seems a bit obvious, but to some new authors, they think they have to start seeking representation before they're even finished. It is better to wait until you are done not only with that first draft, but with the editing and polishing of the product. Seeking publishing either traditionally with an agent or publisher or independently when your work is not polished and ready to go is no different than putting the cart before the horse.
Once you have a finished novel ready to publish, then and only then should you start looking for a way to publish. Now this journey is a very long one no matter which route you take, so the first thing I would recommend is patience. The industry is flooded with authors just like you who are seeking exactly the same thing - answers and a way to get their work out there. They want to realize their dreams.
For the really inexperienced, there are traps you will need to be careful of - predators that look for people who have next to no knowledge concerning the next step. Don't be afraid to ask questions of others in the industry. Join groups where you can learn and exchange information. Depending on whether or not you want to self-publish or traditionally publish, there are even some fantastic programs out there that can teach you everything you need to know as you travel the path to completion. But always do your research, so you know if the person is a legitimate one or not. There are some absolutely genuine groups that can help you through the next step, but there are also predators that will rip you off. Vanity Presses are the biggest of these, and one of the most common mistakes people make.
What is a Vanity Press? It is a small "publishing company" that claims they will publish your work, but then charges you to do so. Legitimate publishing companies do not charge an author to publish them. They actually pay the author in advance for their work.
So how do you tell the difference? Ask questions. Facebook groups are a great source of information, and they can actually help you to begin learning what you need to know. But all this is just a part of the bigger picture... your dedication to getting your work out there. Regardless of whether you choose to learn through a program or follow a more traditional path, remember that you need to educate yourself before taking that next step.
In our next episode, we will begin to dive deeper into the publishing world, laying out different details that are important for every author to know. See you then!